[Clayart] Additions to make a Raku clay body - native materials

Helen Stone helenestonepeony at gmail.com
Fri May 24 15:23:58 UTC 2024

Hi folks,
I dig my own clay and kaolin in Ecuador. When I grind the base clay, I am
left with what is essentially silica sand, the larger particles (the rest
goes into my clay body recipe).  I am wondering if  to make a Raku clay
body, I should add this silica sand into my base clay.  Alternatively,
should I include some powdered, ground native clay in a bisque firing and
add that to make a Raku body?  (Sidebar - my new Raku kiln will be used to
calcine materials , and, in rare cases, to bisque materials and also to
bisque Raku pieces ; I raw glaze my regular pots.)
Thank you for your ideas,
Helen in southern Ecuador
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