[Clayart] Tile Cutting

David Woof woofpots at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 25 05:43:35 UTC 2023

Hi Bill you said and outlined the problem well: "Don't know if there's a way to clamp small tiles down
while cutting with such a saw."

Just a solution idea and a bit hard to describe, but here goes:

To Michael,
On a flat surface set one of the small tiles in the orientation of cut desired.  Bring two "slats" of wood
 to butt against opposite sides of tile.  Same depth/width dimension.
Then lay a piece of wood long enough to bridge these butted strips of wood and screw or glue the three pieces together.
Now one has a movable clamp to hold the tile in place for cutting w/out tile bucking, skidding etc.
The diamond saw will cut thru the wooden clamping assembly and tile, but assembly will still hold the succeeding tiles in place for cutting.

Just care to make sure the first cut is accurate.  I have made many "Jigs" this way for wood,  Iron and clay accurate cutting and replication.

The butt bar at operator's end of tile saw table will hold and clear this assembly nicely.

Hope this helps Michaels's niece.
From: Clayart <clayart-bounces at lists.clayartworld.com> on behalf of William Schran <wschran at twc.com>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2023 7:41 AM
To: 'Clayart international pottery discussion forum' <clayart at lists.clayartworld.com>
Subject: Re: [Clayart] Tile Cutting

Usual cutting of tile is done with diamond wet saw, but you need
pieces of tile large enough to hold in place while the saw bed slides
under the blade. Don't know if there's a way to clamp small tiles down
while cutting with such a saw.Other way is to score line with sharp
chisel and give a good rap with chisel to break tile, but this is
often not a clean cut.

William Schranwschran at twc.com703-505-1617

        -----------------------------------------From: "Michael"
Sent: Monday July 24 2023 9:26:34AM
Subject: [Clayart] Tile Cutting

 My niece is trying to cut some tiles, they are glazed about the size
50 cent piece, I have no idea why she wants to cut something so small.
Any ideas? Thanks Mike Gordon

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