[Clayart] pug mills

Terry Lazaroff terrylazaroff at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 22:58:23 UTC 2023

Pug mills free up creativity.   No need to worry when your 200 pound clay sculptures crack, fail and look different from what image you have in your head.  Just throw it into the pug mill and start fresh. It is quality of life. 

They do however take a long time to pay for themselves.   


Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 26, 2023, at 4:12 PM, kathi at lesueurclaywork.com wrote:
> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Aug 26, 2023, at 11:13 AM, mel jacobson <melpots at mail.com> wrote:
>> The pug mill that I have has paid for itself a thousand times.
>> With tremendous increase in clay and materials I am re/cycling all
>> the time, as I make mel6 by adding 20-30% earthenware clay to basic
>> cone 10 clay. A great deal of my clay body comes from a friend who
>> does production work. My clay must go through my pug mill anyway, so
>> add redart and black iron and it about 80% free of charge.
>> mel
>> website: www.melpots.com
>> www.melpots.com/CLAYART.HTML
> I am always appalled at people who say they can’t afford a pugmill but throw away their scrap clay or give it away. I bought my current pugmill (Bluebird Powerstar) in 1990. The only problem ever was a switch. How much scrap have I processed in 33 years. What would it cost for new clay. I figure I get about $500 out of a five gallon bucket of scrap. That’s a lot of money to throw away.
> Kathi LeSueur

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