[Clayart] Re Cousin Vinnie and Pauly

David Woof woofpots at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 18 22:20:10 UTC 2023

Cousin Vinnie and Pauly,

 Hope you are ok, feet somewhere near the ground, and not dead.   Miss our "love Spats" and your unique perspectives.

It was all in lightly barbed jest and fun ole clay brothers.    Always had your Back!!!


Woofin and potting on the Rio Coquille,  SW Oregon Coast.

My Muse says she misses the Clayart Trolls and their "Church Lady" primly puckered faces.
The spritely little Vixen says that regular intense physical exercise and emotional release would un-pucker more than their facial expressions............Yes! she really said that!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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