[Clayart] Edouard Bastarache Blogs #7

David Woof woofpots at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 17 22:54:50 UTC 2023

Hi Edouard,

Of interest, the progression of color responses to the QIT additions in Noir Glace' #'s 1-6.

Of note also, and I have always enjoyed that the fire in you burns brighter and hotter than the fires around you.

Stay safe...Stay well.....

David Woof
PS.......While living in Wisconsin I picked up buckets of Iron Taconite pellets that fell along the R.R. train tracks leaving from the Wisconsin Iron Mine and processing plant.
The ground up ore particles and dust were stuck together with bentonite and rolled into crude round pellets as they rolled down a drying screen and into a sintering chamber to fuse for transport.
Ground up again and good to go for glaze Iron additions plus Bentonite.

Also good for traction on snow and ice when wheel stuck in bad weather conditions.

From: Clayart <clayart-bounces at lists.clayartworld.com> on behalf of Edouard Bastarache <edouardb at colba.net>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 2:28 PM
To: Clayart <clayart at lists.clayartworld.com>
Subject: [Clayart] Edouard Bastarache Blogs #7


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