[Clayart] Hal's Satin Matt

Snail Scott claywork at flying-snail.com
Tue May 29 08:45:16 EDT 2018

On May 28, 2018, at 11:20 PM, Terry Lazaroff <zalt57 at videotron.ca> wrote:
>   I brought is to Unity. 
> 34 silica
> 12 boron frit (I'm using 3195)
> 4 EPK
> 43 neph. sy.
> 7 whiting
> 100 total.

Thanks, Terry!  

I didn’t bother bringing it to unity yesterday, as I wasn’t certain whether that was the issue.  I went ahead with it as written since I usually make up 300 gram batches for tests, parcel out two 100-gram lots from that for colorant tests, then use the remainder as a base test. In this case, the base test will be smaller than usual, but still proportional. I will record your unity version, though, for future use. If anybody has a different version of this (with a hypothetical 11% of missing ingredients), let me know?  

Not worth too much angst for one test possibility - there are other calcium matts in the world. It just seemed disproportionately annoying while I was standing at the glaze-mixing bench thinking that my basic arithmetic neurons had dripped out my ears in the heat.  ;)


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