[Clayart] Wheels and Layout

Robert Smith rakunart at gmail.com
Tue May 22 19:08:59 EDT 2018

I agree with Snail on the above, but would add using thick rubber mats in
the areas around work tables, etc. Concrete can be a back-breaker, knees,
etc. Wherever I might be standing for a while has a rubber mat. I also have
a dedicated (small) office room with a door, where my laptop/printer/fax
stuff is.
And I would emphasize that shelving is always a bit less than I would like
- put in as much as you can, some deep and some shallow. And also lots of
work tables, maybe even some rolling tables.
I have never had running water in a studio (45 years); I just import what I
need in buckets. I do have a ravine next to the studio to pour non-toxic
(clay water, hand-washing water, etc) materials. But I don't have sinks,
drains, clogs, and all connected problems.
I had a month to move from a previous, temporary studio to my current,
permanent space. I did a graph paper floor plan, with moveable "shelves",
"wheel", "tables", etc, and just moved them around until the flow was good.
Have fun. Sounds like a great space.

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:49 AM, Snail Scott <claywork at flying-snail.com>

> > On May 21, 2018, at 12:01 PM, Tim Fox <timmfox at gmail.com> wrote:
> > ... Do
> > any of y'all have any insights on studio designs?
> Sounds like you’ve got a fabulous blank slate!
> Having never produced onggi myself, I’ll refrain from commentary on how to
> optimize that.
> For general studio issues, a few thoughts:  Separate your kiln area from
> the workspace with actual walls, to keep fumes out of the studio and reduce
> heat during the summer. Ventilate the kiln space, but (especially if firing
> with gas) keep the outdoor drafts controlled.  Keep clay storage near the
> loading door area. Put lots of things on wheels. Ventilate glaze and clay
> mixing areas to the outdoors to reduce dust.  I like a bare cement floor,
> but some prefer an epoxy-sealed surface - your call.  Think hard about
> sinks and drains and traps. I prefer to not even connect my wash-up sink to
> the drain plumbing at all - I have to empty my trap bucket, but I never
> worry about clogging drains.  I like a bare cement floor, but some prefer
> an epoxy-sealed surface - your call.
> Good luck!
> Snail Scott
> claywork at flying-snail.com
> www.snailscott.com
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