[Clayart] Pricing

KATHI LESUEUR kathi at lesueurclaywork.com
Sat May 12 23:09:41 EDT 2018

It is low and is probably done by someone who "doesn't need to make money" just loves making pottery.


On May 12, 2018, at 10:09 PM, Chris Foxwell wrote:

> I am currently at a museum,  a very small museum, but very well(very very
> very) funded museum.  It houses the smallest gift shop museum I have ever
> seen.   In that gift shop there are a extraordinary number of hand made
> ceramic pieces.    There is a 13" platter, decorated and multiple glazes,
> priced at $38, $34 for museum members.
> First,  does that seem low?
> Second,  assumeing it's low, should I not be irritated that the same people
> who see this are the same people I'm trying to sell to,  and not at $38?
> Chris
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