[Clayart] Hanging plates

James Miner woodfirejim at gmail.com
Tue May 8 23:20:42 EDT 2018

You can also glue a picture hangar on the back of the plate, but you must
use the correct adhesive or it will pop off.  I use Shoe Goo (used for
repairing shoes, found at most department stores and Walmart).  It is
apparently similar to another adhesive (E-5000?) previously discussed on
Clayart.  Bury the ends of the picture hangar in goo so that the goo
completely encases the ends that attach to the pot.

On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 9:00 AM, Jacqueline Miller <
jackie.miller.clay at gmail.com> wrote:

> I just made a couple large C6 stoneware plates. Prior to bisque, I had
> planned them to be functional. After, I changed my mind. :-) They are done
> and I would like to have them hang. However, they have neither holes in the
> foot ring or lugs for hanging. The foot rings are sturdy but don’t really
> have a deep enough indentation to wrap a wire around it either. Is there a
> safe way to drill holes in the foot ring at this stage. The pieces are
> fully vitrified but do not have glaze on the foot ring.
> Jackie
> Sent from my iPad
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