[Clayart] glaze pops

Paul Lewing pjlewing at comcast.net
Mon May 7 22:42:07 EDT 2018

On May 7, 2018, at 5:27 PM, Bryan Johnson <bryj at cheqnet.net> wrote:

Are you using a new batch of clay?

I was wondering the same thing.  In my experience, shivering has been really rare.  Whenever I’ve had an episode of small chips popping off, it’s been an issue with contaminated clay, usually with flecks of plaster or gypsum.  If that’s the case, there’s usually a tiny chunk of white or ivory stuff at the bottom of each pit, and it doesn’t necessarily happen right away.
Paul Lewing
www.paullewingtile.com <http://www.paullewingtile.com/>
www.paullewingart.com <http://www.paullewingart.com/>
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